Let’s talk about setbacks.
Over the last, oh let’s say 10 weeks, I have faced setback after obstacle after roadblock. And it has negatively impacted my writing and my timeline. I have missed deadlines during this time, and I have been very down on myself because of this.
These things happen. I know these things happen, but it feels like it has been happening to me more often than not.
I was trucking along and making pretty good process on my edits. Then I began to struggle with my mental health. While I was still working in small chunks here and there, I mostly just took the time to deal with my mental health.
As soon as I was starting to feel better and was recovering BAM! I got sick.
Not just any sick either! I felt like I was on death’s door. Constantly coughing, trouble breathing, tired and sore. I could look at the screen for a very short amount of time before I got a blaring headache.
I chose to spend this little bit of time and energy I did have on my Day Job.
This meant an entire month without writing.
I started to feel truly better around the second week of April. I managed to get back into a writing schedule, only for my Day Job to pick up and get really busy. Once again, my writing was pushed to the side as I focused my energy on work.
This all sounds terrible, but there are always going to be things that must come first. Family, work, personal matters. Sometimes, often unfortunately, writing will come second.
I have beaten myself up over missing my deadlines, over prioritizing other important aspects of my life. I shouldn’t beat myself up over that, and if you are in a similar situation, you shouldn’t either.
In fact, it seems like this may have actually been a benefit to my story!
Normally a story idea will sprout, and I will quickly write it down so I don’t lose it. Over time, while I work on various other things, that little sprout will grow and grow until it is bursting from my mind.
That is exactly what has happened here. While I have been sick and focusing on other important parts of my life, problems in my story have begun to fix themselves. Little epiphanies have sprung forth and these issues I have been ignoring are getting fixed.
I even had a breakthrough on the plot for book two of Scarlet Skies!
It may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes, for me anyway, there is great benefit in taking time away and looking after yourself.
That is the important take away. Look after yourself, and the rest will come. You are in a race with no one but yourself.